Sunday, December 25, 2011

Future Blogs

I have decided to stop posting my political tirades. In reality they accomplish nothing. Instead I am going to tell short stories from my life. My son says that I have a story about anything and everything. That's his nice way of saying I talk too much.

In these, nothing is off limits, with the exception of many Vietnam experiences. There may be a few of those but they will be of the fun variety so consequently not many of them. My life is an open book. I have things that I am very ashamed of but it's been for the most part an honest life. I have never been arrested, involved in a robbery, killed anyone and so forth. So expect some surprises as I will tell all. Maybe some people will take some of my experiences and turn them into learning experiences for them themselves. That is my hope. This will be about both my ups and downs. That is what people remember most. I will include peoples first names unless it is a negative article and in those cases I will use fictional names.

If you enjoy these please let me know as it is saddening to not know what others are thinking. If you don't like them don't just lambast me, let me know why.

One last thing, there will be some things in here that I have never disclosed to anyone on this earth so it will be difficult at times for me. Please understand that. This is my way of trying to rid myself of some deamons I have.

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