Monday, December 26, 2011

Moving back to Lawrenceburg

After having no luck at finding jobs in Florida, we moved back to Ethridge, TN which was my childhood home.

We moved into a little 3 room house with out running water and an outhouse (a real 2 HOLER). My sister and brother in law made a bedroom out of the garage. This was right across from our old store.

We, the 4 of us my mom, sister and brother in law and my dog named Brownie then moved into a little house on Crockett St. in Lawrenceburg. My dog Brownie had been with us from the days in the General Store. Brownie was a big old lumbering boxer. He was my constant companion and friend.

It was on Crockett St that I was to meet a lifelong friend. Nina was her name, we are still friends today and in constant contact. She probably knows me to well for my own good.

It is here that I went to the 2nd grade at Old Public Elementary School. Honestly I remember nothing about that time. In fact I am not sure I went to school there except Nina tells me that I did. My life there was kinda of a blurr.

My mother had gone to work at the local hospital as a nurse's aide which is what she did until her death. Well, they had a Christmas party where a large black man played Santa. I can't remember his name wish I could, he was such a good man. He gave out gifts that I later learned the parents had bought and brought for him to hand out. It was here that I got one of the few presents I remember in my lifetime. It was a shooting game with one of these litle plastic pistols that shot the plastic darts with suction cups on the ends. You were to shoot at a board with a chicken on it. It had a little circle to hit, if you hit it, the chicken clucked and dropped a ping pong ball which was to represent an egg.

We did not live here very long before we moved to the First Ave in Lawrenceburg. My memories there are not to good.

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