Monday, April 13, 2009

Life's Important Matters

What is important in your life? How often have you thought about this? Is it your wealth or lack of it? Is it your importance to someone or some group?

As you age you begin to think about life differently and those things that really matter. I have done that a lot lately. To say that I have no regrets is not a totally accurate statement but there are things that given certain sets of circumstances I would have done differently but the important thing now is to realize that those times are gone and can never be lived over again. To paraphase an old saying "if I had known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself". That has never been more true than now. Health becomes a much more important matter as you age. I have several friends that have parents or friends with Alzheimer's. Living alone I many times wonder how I could and would handle some disease such as that. Or as a friend of mine that has had a stroke. Could I handle being paralized on part of my body? Now is when we start to think more of our own mortality. No, that is not a morbid thought. It is reality. You could have a life changing experience today that might leave you unable to communicate. What really matters to me now is letting each and every friend know that I truly love them and forgive them for any thing that they may have done against me in my life. Life is short so be sure that those people that matter in your life know it. There is never a better time to let them know it than now. Call your parents if they are alive or your grandparents, call an Uncle or an Aunt. Call a friend, an ex friend, a co-worker let them know that you care. It is not too late right now. TODAY!!

1 comment:

  1. Very sincere and open...I agree whole heartedly. Health is taien for granted when we are younger and we appreciated so much more in later years. I have often thought the same as your quote, only I would add..."if I had known what not having good health felt like and how limiting bad health can be" I would have took greater care to make sure I have better health now in my later years. :-)
    Awww hind sight!
