Tuesday, May 19, 2009


What is the first thing that you remember in your entire life? I recently asked myself that question and was somewhat surprised at my own answer.

My father and mother owned a General Store in Ethridge, TN on US Highway 43. In the early fifties it was a busy road, this was before the interstate system and everyone traveled the US Highway system. Since our family owned a general store we had many local customers. A couple of them were 2 boys from across and up the road a little ways. As a child, I think I was 4 at the time, I really liked these boys. Their names were Tommy and Macky Hudgins. Well, somehow, one day I decided to follow them home. I do not remember anything about following them except when I had gone about 20-30 yards up the road I heard my father call me. He was stopped at a Willow tree and was breaking off a branch. Well, to make a long story short, for every step I took, I got hit on my legs with that switch. I think I was afraid to cross that road ever again. Not because of traffic but because of the fear of my father.

My father died when I was 5 and this only 1 of 2 real memories I have of my father. I have pictures and other possessions but this is the one that is stuck in my memory bank about my father. How he switched me all the way home with a Willow branch from the Hudgens boys home. I hope my son fondly remembers the things I have done to try to put him on the correct path in life.

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